Posts Tagged ‘employment’

Sierra College and the California Conservation Corps Join Forces to Train and Employ Veterans

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

The Sierra College Center for Applied Technologies (CACT) and the California Conservation Corps (CCC) are teaming up to provide energy efficiency and construction training and employment opportunities for recently discharged veterans.

Sacramento Vet flyer (2) Sacra mento-with McClellan 11 04 11

The CCC Placer Energy Center in Auburn and Sacramento asks interested veterans, who must be recently discharged and under the age of 25, to apply for employment by contacting Renee Podris at the CCC at 916-341-3107 or [email protected]. Successful applicants will begin working December 5, 2011.

The newly-hired veterans will receive Technical Education in Energy Efficiency and Construction (TE³C) training from the CACT and earn a lighting and electrical technology completion certificate. As CCC employees, they will gain hands-on experience in construction, lighting and electricity through energy efficiency projects at state agencies such as the DMV. State-wide projects in residential and commercial construction, landscaping and tree maintenance may provide additional experience.

The CACT will also provide employment skills training in resume development, interview skills and job search techniques with a focus on future employment in the energy efficiency construction industry. More than 50 CCC employees have already taken at least one of the five classes and 128 hours of TE³C courses offered by the CACT. The courses, featuring lectures and hands-on training, include weatherization, worker safety and alternative energy fundamentals.

The Sierra College CACT is funded through the Economic and Workforce Development program of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. In operation since 1992, the Sierra College CACT has provided training for organizations, manufacturers and technology companies throughout Northern California. Additional information is available at or contact Carol Pepper-Kittredge at 916-660-7801 or [email protected]. Contact the CCC at